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As a small 501c3 non-profit organization, the Red Hills Small Farm Alliance relies on the generosity of the community to meet its goals. All donations are tax deductible.
Why become a sponsor?
Anyone can be a sponsor whether it be a business or an individual. By sponsoring the Red Hills Small Farm Alliance you or your business will gain many desireable perks depending on your sponsorship level. Most importantly you will be supporting a worthy cause that is having a positive impact on our community.
Some kind words from our sponsors
Fresh or frozen .... Naturally good tasting or chemically enhanced ... Grown by local farmers who you can trust or who knows who .... The choice is easy to support Red Hills Small Farm Alliance
-Glen Davidson, Patlive
There are many wonderful organizations and groups dedicated to sustainable farming on a larger level. What I love most about the Red Hills Small Farm Alliance is that it gives us the opportunity to connect with, support, and learn from, other farmers who work and live right here. Folks with similar beliefs and practices who all are working hard in their own way to provide delicious and healthy food to local families. We are proud to be a part of this very special community.
-Alicia & Wayne Conger, Owners of Cherokee Creek Farm
It is through the win-win relationships between non-profits like the Red Hills Small Farm Alliance and companies like Whole Foods Market that the expansion of the local food marketplace steps out of the realm of the intangible and creative, sustainable solutions are developed that stimulate the growth of the local food economy.
- Mary Russ
Produce Team Leader
Whole Foods Market Tallahassee
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