It is a common misconception that running a farmers market is easy. Starting a market should be a well thought out and planned business venture. There are a lot of nuances to take into consideration. Whether you are starting a new market or involved in an existing one, these upcoming workshops will offer useful information including:
Marketing Strategies
Conflict Resolution Ideas
Increasing Customer Attendance and Participation
Funding Ideas
Food Safety Musts
Real Customer Data (for Tallahassee, Marianna, Pensacola, and Gainesville areas)
Katie Harris, Farmer at Full Earth Farm and former Co-Director of the Red Hills Small Farm Alliance, will be teaching four workshops on the topic of Farmers Market Management best practices. The presentations are built on data collected by the Florida Department of Agriculture at farmers markets in each of the four workshop areas, Katie's experience as both a farmer and a market manager/overseer at the RHO Market (www.rhomarket.com), as well as research on the topic.
These workshops are FREE but REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED! (see below)
Workshop Information:
Monday January 9, 2017
IFAS Leon County Extension
615 Paul Russel Rd.
Tallahassee, FL
Thursday January 19, 2017
5-6:30pm (Central Time)
IFAS Jackson County Extension
2741 Pennsylvania Ave.
Marianna, FL
Monday January 23, 2017
5-6:30pm (Central Time)
IFAS Escambia County 4-H
3730 Stephani Rd.
Cantonment, FL
Monday February 6, 2017
IFAS Alachua County Extension
2800 NE 39th Ave.
Gainesville, FL
REGISTRATION: Contact Allison Leo via phone: (850) 617-7179 or via email: Allison.Leo@FreshFromFlorida.com to register